Diabetes is classified as Madhumeham (a part of Prameham) in Ayurveda is mainly Kapha Doshaja disease which occurs due to lack of exercise, consumption of excess food of Ushna or Snigdha nature which increases Kapha, Medhas, & Mootra. Faulty lifestyle & improper eating habits lead to this disease & hence, the Ayurvedic treatment administers the best natural combinations along with the change in the lifestyle & dietary regimen.
Ayurvedic Diabetes Treatment
Diabetes Mellitus is a Chronic Metabolic illness in which the body is powerless to make proper use of glucose, resulting in the condition of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar).
What Causes Diabetes ?
Factors that are often responsible for causing diabetes are excessive intake of foods which are difficult to digest, such as fried foods, creams, etc. Lack of exercise, mental stress and strain, excessive sleep, overeating and resulting obesity, excessive intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates, Overloading of proteins and fats can also lead to diabetes. Hereditary factors also play role in causing diabetes. Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes is the effective way to cure sugar
- Beta cells repairing herbs: The beta cells repairing herbs enhance the functionally of the pancreas rather than pressurizing the already damaged pancreas. Such herbs lead to decrease the medical dependency & in many cases, complete withdrawal can also be achieved.
- Phyto- Molecules: Certain Plant molecules decrease the load on the damaged pancreas so that it gets sufficient time for recovery. With the usage of these unique formulations & recommended lifestyle changes, the short-term goal of sugar management and the long-term goal of decrease or complete withdrawal can be achieved.
- Metabolic correctors: Our unique formulations with metabolism corrector herbs help in preventing diabetic neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy, hypertension, & other complications in diabetic patients.